Liberate Forward Consulting

Work Culture Development and Organization Design

work culture, organization culture, organization structure, governance, work liberation

The What

Culture development is the process of creating systems and practices that impact organization members’ sense of belonging, ability to work individually and collectively, and overall well-being. Organization design focuses on shifting or building an organization’s working structure to better meet its purpose and create cohesion and synergy.

The way we work, how we collaborate internally, how we feel about our contributions and the relationships we hold and develop in our places of work are as important as  the outcomes of our organizations. Unfortunately, the default culture in many work environments overtly and covertly replicates harm. However, with intentional  questioning, dismantling and simultaneous building, work environments can create joy and  connection instead.

Some say that progress doesn’t happen by magic; it happens because of hard work. We’ve been taught that the two are unrelated and maybe even opposites. Our challenge is to remember that WE are indeed MAGIC, and the seeds and fruits of our labor are to be revered as such.

The Why

So much of our lives are spent working, getting ready to work and even decompressing from work. For BIPOC folks (black, indigenous, people of color) the bodily toll of work compounds as it intersects with layers of systemic oppression and white supremacy culture. The purpose of this work is to move us closer to a world where people work and belong as themselves, authentically and fully liberated.

Liberate Forward’s commitment to that vision is to collaboratively explore and co-create sustainable human-centered paths of learning and doing alongside small multicultural, intentionally diverse and BIPOC organizations, so that we all can enjoy and contribute to non-exploitative work that allows us to naturally thrive and simply be.

Liberation is ours by way of remembrance and collective visioning. Let’s partner together to redefine work.

work culture, organization culture, organization structure, governance, work liberation

The How

Liberate Forward provides a number of individual offerings to support your organization’s exploration and development as a human-centered place of work.

  • Hourly consultations

  • Project-based consultations

  • Structure and culture assessment

  • Facilitated workshops

Areas of focus include values and norms alignment, team well-being, self-management, collaborative leadership, governance, codes of conduct/internal policies, communication practices and more.

“From beginning to end, Grace has been an absolute joy to work with in every regard. It was extremely refreshing to be met with such consistent exceptionalism throughout our time working on my company’s organizational design [values development, hiring process/cultural awareness assessment, and recruitment collateral and language]. The process necessitated an ongoing commitment to energetic collaboration from both sides, which Grace managed to make genuinely enjoyable. 

The passion, empathy, care and dedication that she brings to her work and her working relationships is quite rare, and I’m sincerely appreciative for the ways in which she’s helped set me, my company & team up for ongoing success.”

— Founder & Executive Producer, HoneyFest Productions