Guiding Values

Centering Justice & Belonging

We acknowledge the pursuit of more diverse, equitable and inclusive work as the starting place for a more anti-racist and liberated world. We commit to deepening the intention of diversity, equity and inclusion by examining power dynamics and their inherent assumptions, prioritizing sense of belonging and making intentional decisions with justice as a driving force.


We commit to creating and restoring connectivity in work through a fundamental understanding of human success only being possible through systems of communication, care, and collective accountability.

Shared Expertise

We acknowledge diverse and complex layers of expertise in collaboration, honoring collaborators as experts in their own experiences and unearthing that knowledge to dream, build, learn and grow.

Inherent Value

We believe all people, and subsequently their experiences and thoughts, hold inherent value in their primary identity as human beings first before their identity as workers. We make decisions that acknowledge this inherent value by always prioritizing our humanity first.